
2023-04-23 04:17:45 来源:经济日报



加快低碳转型,促进行业可持续发展,是当前全球企业关心的问题。在为各领域面临的减碳挑战提供支持方面,很多在华跨国公司参与其中,凭借自身长期的积累和全球经验积极行动。 4月20日,霍尼韦尔在天津举办“全新‘碳’路——霍尼韦尔绿色发展峰会”,会上发布了《为可持续航空加油》行业白皮书,宣布在中国市场推出制备可持续航空燃料的新型工艺技术和全新排放管理解决方案,并与多家合作伙伴签署了战略合作备忘录,推动可持续航空燃料等一系列成熟解决方案加速落地中国。 为航空领域可持续发展“加油”的不只霍尼韦尔。参与中国航空油料运营的外资公司bp航空,近日参加了首届民航绿色发展论坛。该公司在论坛上表示,中国是bp航空的重要市场,未来将继续携手合作伙伴,在中国积极发展航空业务。



Analysts Say Apple will Remain Dependent on China for a Long Time to Come


Apple’s 5% market share in India could soon surge with the opening of two retail stores this week. 尽管如此,多位分析师表示,苹果公司对中国的依赖,未来仍将持续。 Still, analysts said the iPhone-maker’s dependency on China will remain for years to come. 全球精品投资公司奥本海默新兴技术高级分析师Martin Yang表示,印度有可能成为苹果生产的“下一个中国”,但这可能需要长达十年的时间。 There’s potential for India to “become the next China” for Apple production, but it could take as long as a decade before it happens, said Martin Yang, senior analyst of emerging technologies at Oppenheimer & Co. 惠誉评级高级总监Nitin Soni表示,从苹果的供应链合作伙伴来看,苹果公司在中国仍然有大规模的布局,而且中国的基础设施能力远好于印度。 The tech giant still has a strong presence in China due to its supply chain partners, and China’s infrastructure capabilities are still far better than what India can offer, Nitin Soni, senior director at Fitch Ratings said. Soni还指出,“中国对苹果来说仍是一个很重要的市场,不仅是在生产装配线上,还包括半导体生态系统和测试方面。” “The country is still a very large pocket for Apple — not just in the assembly line, but the semiconductor ecosystem and testing as well,” Soni said. IBM一季度实现净利润增长26%

IBM Reported a 26% Rise in Q1 Net Income


4月19日,IBM公布的第一季度业绩报告显示,该公司一季度营收为143亿美元,同比增长0.4%; 净利润增长26%,至9.27亿美元。

On April 19, IBM reported first-quarter revenue of $14.3 billion, up 0.4% from the same period last year. Net income rose 26% to $927 million. 分业务来看,IBM一季度软件业务营收59.2亿美元,同比增长3%;咨询业务营收同比增长 3% 至 49.6 亿美元;基础设施建设业务同比下降4%,至31亿美元。 In the first quarter, IBM reported $5.92 billion in software revenue, up 3% from a year earlier. consulting unit delivered $4.96 billion in revenue, up almost 3% compared to the year-earlier period. Infrastructure construction fell 4% year on year to $3.1 billion. 同时,IBM提高2023全年业绩指引,将在固定汇率下的全年营收增速从3% 提升至5%。 And IBM raised its full-year 2023 guidance, raising full-year revenue growth at constant currency rates to 5% from 3%. IBM 董事长兼首席执行官 Arvind Krishna 表示:“IBM今年一季度业绩表明,越来越多的客户正在寻求IBM的帮助,借助其独特的解决方案组合,即开放的混合云平台、企业级的人工智能解决方案以及行业专长,在企业运营中解锁生产力并提高效率。” \"Our first quarter results demonstrate that clients continue turning to IBM for our unique combination of an open hybrid cloud platform, enterprise-focused AI, and business expertise to unlock productivity and drive efficiency in their operations,\" said Arvind Krishna, IBM chairman and chief executive officer. 该公司维持今年年底前将实现105亿美元的自由现金流的指引不变。 The company kept its guidance of $10.5 billion in free cash flow by the end of the year. 来源/经济日报微信 主播、双语 /朱琳 编辑/翟子豪 本文内容系原创,转载请注明来源。


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