中国石化新闻网讯 据油价网4月20日消息称,阿布扎比国家石油公司(ADNOC)正在扩大其天然气生产能力,并增加投资,以瞄准欧洲天然气市场。作为中东最大的能源生产商之一,ADNOC的目标是通过成为天然气净出口国来满足日益增长的国际液化天然气需求。
该公司正在建设额外的液化天然气产能,并扩大其在其他地区的国际天然气生产足迹,包括东地中海地区。ADNOC已收购以色列海上天然气生产商NewMed Energy的战略股份,这将扩大其在东地中海地区的立足点,并加强与欧洲市场的联系。ADNOC首席执行官Sultan Al Jabr的目标是成为欧洲的主要供应商,任命穆巴达拉石油公司前首席执行官Mussabbeh Al Kaabi领导ADNOC的国际增长部门是实现这一目标的基础。Al Kaabi负责ADNOC在2018年收购由意大利埃尼运营的埃及巨型海上祖尔气田10%的股份。
ADNOC的议程不仅仅是液化天然气。上周,阿布扎比与德国就增加对绿色氢的投资进行了会谈。在汉诺威工业博览会期间,阿联酋和德国探讨了在可持续工业发展、脱碳和绿色氢方面的投资。ADNOC已将目光投向德国和西北欧,以实现其绿色氢和绿色氨的目标。ADNOC与埃及-荷兰化工公司OCI的合资企业Fertiglobe正在制订各种计划,向鹿特丹港和其他战略地点提供天然气。在汉诺威工业博览会上,阿联酋工业和先进技术部副部长Omar Al Suwaidi宣布,他们将在工业用绿色氢的开发、生产和供应方面进行合作。ADNOC已经在2月份向德国RWE供应了第一批液化天然气,并计划在2022年底之前向德国供应低碳氨。
曹海斌 摘译自 油价网
ADNOC Aims To Grow Energy Market Share In Europe
ADNOC, the national oil company of Abu Dhabi, is expanding its natural gas production capacity and increasing investments to target Europe"s gas markets. As one of the Middle East’s largest energy producers, ADNOC aims to meet the growing international demand for LNG by becoming a net-exporter of gas.
The company is constructing additional LNG capacity and expanding its international natural gas production footprint in other regions, including the East Med region. ADNOC has taken a strategic stake in Israeli offshore gas producer NewMed Energy, which will expand its foothold in the East Med region and increase its links with European markets. ADNOC"s CEO, Sultan Al Jabr, aims to become a major supplier to Europe, and the appointment of Mussabbeh Al Kaabi, former CEO of Mubadala Petroleum, to head ADNOC"s international growth unit is fundamental to achieving this goal. Al Kaabi was responsible for ADNOC"s 2018 acquisition of a 10% stake in Egypt"s giant offshore gas field Zohr, operated by Italian major ENI.
ADNOC has more than just LNG on its agenda. Last week, Abu Dhabi engaged in talks with Germany about increasing investments in green hydrogen. The UAE and Germany explored investments in sustainable industrial development, decarbonization, and green hydrogen during the Hannover Messe. ADNOC has set its sights on Germany and Northwest Europe for its green hydrogen and green ammonia targets. Fertiglobe, ADNOC"s joint venture with Egyptian-Dutch chemical company OCI, is working on various initiatives to provide both to the Port of Rotterdam and other strategic locations. At the Hannover Messe, Omar Al Suwaidi, UAE’s undersecretary of the Ministry of Industry and Advance Technology, announced that both countries will be collaborating on the development, production, and supply of green hydrogen for industry. ADNOC has already supplied its first LNG to Germany"s RWE in February, and plans to supply low-carbon ammonia to Germany by the end of 2022.
(责任编辑:黄振 审核:蒋文娟 )关键词: